Stock #134378, VIN: KNDEU2AAXS7694509, MSRP - $27050, Cap cost $20962.23 after $2000 discount and $1300 lease cash. $211 first payment, monthly payment excludes acquisition fee, tax, title, license and doc. 0$ security deposit, $211/month for 36 months. $2999 due at signing, $16500.5 residual, 10,000 miles a year. Total in payments = $7596. On approved credit. Expires 02/03/2025
3.90% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) up to 48 months. $22.53 per month per $1,000 financed at 48 months. APR financing subject to credit approval by Kia Finance America (KFA), through KFA, for well-qualified buyers and not available on balloon financing.. New vehicles only. This incentive is a limited-time offer on eligible Kia vehicles. Offers may not be combined except where specified. Must take delivery George Gee CDA by 02/03/2025. Finance contract must be signed and dated no later than 02/03/2025.